SNS ALOER, a lasting alliance
For the past 6 years, the 40 consultants at SNS and ALOER have been combining their skills in Supply Chain Execution and Supply Chain Planning. They work together on large-scale projects, drawing on their experience in implementing performance tools and actions. Their respective managers have noted a sharp increase in demand for supply chain experts, particularly consultants who are bilingual in French and English, as well as in business and technical terms. These dual skills enable us to rapidly and pragmatically deploy solutions for our customers.
SNS ALOER, a shared philosophy
Étienne Georges, head of ALOER ” We have been working with SNS for several years on organization and Supply Chain Management software integration projects, as well as training operational teams. We wanted to formalize this solid partnership, because it meets our customers’ expectations: to ensure the reliability of their sales forecasts and the quality of their planning with SCP — Supply Chain Planning — while controlling their warehouse and transport logistics resources.”
Mario Ghosn, Director of SNS ” Our aim is to ensure that all our customers’ supply chain needs are taken care of. With ALOER, we’ve always had the same philosophy: to meet the needs of manufacturers by applying the best practices in the field. Our aim is to build and maintain strong relationships with our customers, based on trust, honesty and integrity.”