ALOER is recruiting consultants in Supply Chain


Expert of Glob­al Sup­ply Chain, the Con­sult­ing busi­ness is grow­ing and recruit­ing con­sul­tants M / F in Sup­ply Chain Man­age­ment. ALOER offers its ser­vices in more than six coun­tries out­side Europe. It is also con­tin­u­ing its activ­i­ties with its tra­di­tion­al cus­tomers in Europe and of course in France where she has set a goal of devel­op­ing Infor ERP Blend­ing. The com­pa­ny already has to his cred­it coun­sel­ing inter­ven­tions, audit­ing, train­ing and imple­men­ta­tion of Sup­ply Chain Man­age­ment and ERP soft­ware to cus­tomers oper­at­ing in the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal, mechan­i­cal, chem­i­cal, food pro­cess­ing and dis­tri­b­u­tion.

The strengths of ALOER based on a rig­or­ous orga­ni­za­tion and a respon­si­ble human man­age­ment con­sul­tants. This eth­i­cal vision aris­es a rec­og­nized qual­i­ty of ser­vice. Some cus­tomers are so loy­al to the respon­sive and effi­cient team since 2005, pro­test­er made a renewed sat­is­fac­tion. Reli­a­bil­i­ty, adapt­abil­i­ty, meet­ing dead­lines and con­straints of cus­tomers are the basis for a board to tip. The con­sul­tants ALOER strive to achieve pre­cise and detailed audit, sup­port­ed a cus­tomized strate­gic sup­port. A project man­ag­er is ded­i­cat­ed to each client project, which allows lis­ten­ing, respon­sive­ness and per­for­mance monitoring.

Based in Lyon, ALOER Con­sul­tants offers exten­sive exper­tise both in the area of advice and train­ing cov­er­ing the needs in S & OP (Sales and Oper­a­tions Plan­ning), fore­cast­ing, plan­ning and sched­ul­ing. In part­ner­ship with pub­lish­ers, the com­pa­ny offers its con­sult­ing exper­tise and soft­ware inte­gra­tion, either in direct mode or sub­con­tract­ing edi­tor. Sign of recog­ni­tion of its exper­tise, ALOER is also called b to train for­eign part­ners publishers.

Posts and Missions

ALOER search for its inte­gra­tion activ­i­ty (on) Con­sul­tant (e) based (e) in the Lyon region.
You will be inte­grat­ed (e) to a team of a few peo­ple. You will take care of mod­ules inte­gra­tion tasks Sup­ply Chain and ERP on new projects. As a con­sul­tant (s), you also will ensure a sup­port role with our French and for­eign cus­tomers and part­ners.
Fre­quent trav­el is expect­ed in France and abroad depend­ing on the scope of projects.

Your profile

Train­ing Bac 5 gen­er­al engi­neer­ing or equiv­a­lent, ide­al­ly you jus­ti­fy an expe­ri­ence in the field of sup­ply chain or indus­tri­al orga­ni­za­tion. You speak and write Eng­lish flu­ent­ly.
Knowl­edge of pro­gram­ming lan­guages includ­ing SQL is a plus.

Whether you are a recent grad­u­ate (e) or expe­ri­enced (e) we are look­ing pri­mar­i­ly employ­ees demon­strat­ing a capac­i­ty for lis­ten­ing and analy­sis cou­pled with team spir­it, dynamism and rigor.

Loca­tion: Based in Lyon
Con­tract: Per­ma­nent, Full Time

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