Infor Supply Chain Planning: the complete software suite for optimizing your supply chain

Integration and success guaranteed with ALOER

ALOER is a long-stand­ing inte­gra­tor part­ner of the Infor Cloud­suite Sup­ply Chain Plan­ning (SCP) soft­ware suite, and an expert in all mod­ules of Cloud­suite SCP, the sup­ply chain solu­tion from the Amer­i­can pub­lish­er Infor.

While IT tools are essen­tial today to sup­port flows and Sup­ply Chain Man­age­ment, ALOER has select­ed those on the mar­ket that meet the needs of indus­tri­al and food indus­try players:

  • spe­cial­ized in their field: best-of-breed
  • a reli­able pub­lish­er that invests heav­i­ly in soft­ware development 
  • with inter­na­tion­al cov­er­age and support

ALOER offers its exper­tise in imple­ment­ing these strate­gic man­age­ment approach­es

From orga­ni­za­tion­al rec­om­men­da­tions to the imple­men­ta­tion of spe­cial­ized sup­ply chain tools, we are at your side to con­tribute our expe­ri­ence and know-how.

Discover the power of the Infor Supply Chain Planning software suite

The inte­grat­ed plan­ning soft­ware suite sup­ports com­pa­nies in cre­at­ing, man­ag­ing, col­lab­o­rat­ing and coor­di­nat­ing plan­ning through­out the sup­ply chain. 

The full spec­trum of Cloud­suite SCP extends from sales fore­cast­ing to work­shop sched­ul­ing, and con­sol­i­dates both strate­gic and oper­a­tional plan­ning.

Dis­cov­er below the phi­los­o­phy behind the mod­ules of the Infor Sup­ply Chain Plan­ning soft­ware solu­tion — ded­i­cat­ed to Sup­ply Chain.

Sales forecasts — Demand Planning: Anticipate demand with precision

screenshot of demand planning software from the infor supply chain planning suite

Demand Plan­ning’s pri­or­i­ty is to alert the fore­cast­er at each peri­od to the items for which his exper­tise is need­ed. For oth­er items, pow­er­ful algo­rithms reduce the need for month­ly and man­u­al revisions.

The mod­ule’s library of algo­rithms makes it pos­si­ble to adapt fore­casts accord­ing to prod­uct sales behav­ior: sea­son­al or inter­mit­tent, new prod­ucts or end-of-life, or so-called “errat­ic” prod­ucts. These algo­rithms can also be applied to the past, to cor­rect his­tor­i­cal behav­ior dur­ing recent major events. The sys­tem updates itself with new data to adjust forecasts. 

Among these data, in addi­tion to sales his­to­ries, the user can add a lay­er of mar­ket intel­li­gence, user-defined met­rics and mul­ti-tier prod­uct hier­ar­chies to per­form analy­sis at the lev­el of aggre­ga­tion required by each customer.

The result is faster reac­tions to changes to meet cus­tomer ser­vice objectives.

In short, Demand Plan­ning is : 

  • Work by alert, focused on items that require it
  • Cal­cu­la­tion of sta­tis­ti­cal fore­casts from your his­tor­i­cal data or oth­er sources
  • Man­ag­ing the intro­duc­tion of new products
  • Pro­mo­tions management
  • Sta­tis­ti­cal cal­cu­la­tion of safe­ty stocks and stock targets
  • Mul­ti-user
  • Mul­ti­ple what-if scenarios
  • Work­flow for month­ly validation/publication of a sin­gle fore­cast sce­nario use­ful to all lev­els of the company

Thanks to Demand Plan­ning:

  • Adjust your fore­casts at will accord­ing to the com­mer­cial infor­ma­tion at your disposal
  • Deter­mine the reli­a­bil­i­ty of your forecasts
  • Com­mu­ni­cate with all com­pa­ny employees
  • Gain effi­cien­cy with the excep­tion-based man­age­ment model
  • Iden­ti­fy high-val­ue prod­ucts with ABC clas­si­fi­ca­tion management

Inventory planning: control your stock levels

The sec­ond tool in this mod­ule is Inven­to­ry Plan­ning, which cal­cu­lates safe­ty stock lev­els over a defined period. 

Inven­to­ry plan­ning antic­i­pates stock lev­els and ensures the right lev­el of respon­sive­ness to serve cus­tomers. Advanced mod­els bal­ance demand with sup­ply, tak­ing into account vari­abil­i­ty, uncer­tain­ty, lead-time and capac­i­ty constraints.

In short, Inven­to­ry Plan­ning is :

  • the abil­i­ty to car­ry out safe­ty stock analy­sis sce­nar­ios by vary­ing var­i­ous impor­tant parameters
  • short­en cycles, broad­en prod­uct ranges and become ever more customer-oriented
  • cur­rent and pro­ject­ed inven­to­ry valuation

Thanks to Inven­to­ry Planning : 

  • cal­cu­late your tar­get safe­ty stock lev­el accord­ing to your defined strat­e­gy (man­u­al, ser­vice rate, etc.). visu­al­ize ear­ly phase

Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) or Plan Industriel et Commercial (PIC) — IBP: Align your activities for optimum performance

screenshot of integrated business planning, supply chain planning module

Sup­port­ing the S&OP process, IBP - Inte­grat­ed Busi­ness Plan­ning - syn­chro­nizes and enables the col­lab­o­ra­tion of S&OP play­ers through­out the com­pa­ny. Var­i­ous work­flow mod­els facil­i­tate the reg­u­lar reviews required, and the align­ment between fore­cast­ing, sup­ply and sales oper­a­tions. Final­ly, they high­light the var­i­ous poten­tial imbalances. 

In short, IBP is :

  • Finan­cial rec­on­cil­i­a­tion and cen­tral­iza­tion of strate­gic sales and pro­duc­tion information
  • Fast, effi­cient S&OP process man­age­ment (work­flow and alerts)
  • Advanced man­age­ment of sim­u­la­tion sce­nar­ios for easy analy­sis and exchange
  • Review of assump­tions and amendments

Thanks to IBP :

  • sim­u­late an infi­nite num­ber of sce­nar­ios with all the essen­tial finan­cial dimensions,
  • you are guid­ed in resolv­ing capac­i­ty constraints, 
  • sup­port inven­to­ry, growth and per­for­mance objectives.

Supply Planning: Efficiently manage your supplies and inventories

screenshot of the supply planning module in infor's supply chain planning suite

Supply Planning: Optimize your resources for a fluid supply chain

In response to the request, the com­pa­ny needs to quick­ly and accu­rate­ly assess its capa­bil­i­ties, costs, and dif­fer­ent options with­in the giv­en time­frame. Sup­ply Plan­ning’s high­ly con­fig­urable solu­tion adapts to a com­pa­ny’s chang­ing envi­ron­ment to iden­ti­fy the opti­mum use of resources across mul­ti­ple sites, while tak­ing into account life­times and cycle times.

In short, Sup­ply Plan­ning is :

  • opti­mized medi­um- and long-term glob­al planning
  • con­strained and opti­mized sup­ply chain plan­ning: capac­i­ty, mate­ri­als, inven­to­ry and distribution
  • com­bined replen­ish­ment and con­strained planning
  • cre­ation of sce­nar­ios to work out hypothe­ses before trans­mit­ting con­strained plans to ERP

Thanks to Sup­ply Plan­ning:

  • gen­er­ate plans that bal­ance your strat­e­gy with cus­tomer ser­vice priorities
  • incor­po­rate your dis­tri­b­u­tion, pro­duc­tion and pro­cure­ment alternatives
  • use Inven­to­ry Plan­ning stock data

Scheduling — Production Scheduler: Plan your production operations with precision

screenshot of the production scheduler module in infor supply chain planning suite

The Pro­duc­tion Sched­uler mod­ule enables you to sched­ule your finite-capac­i­ty process plants and gen­er­ate pro­duc­tion plans, tak­ing into account all pos­si­ble pro­duc­tion and sup­ply alter­na­tives. All with the aim of obtain­ing an opti­mized plan in terms of changeover times, resource uti­liza­tion and sequence of pro­duc­tion orders.

In short, Pro­duc­tion Sched­uler is :

  • Syn­chro­nized plan­ning for all plants, by pro­duc­tion line and stage 
  • One-stop man­age­ment of process, mix­ing, sta­bi­liza­tion, ster­il­iza­tion, inter­me­di­ate and final stor­age tanks. 
  • Sequence opti­miza­tion: pro­duc­tion, changeover times, cleaning
  • Pull or push planning
  • Respect­ing sched­uled dates and times
  • CIP “Clean­ing In Place” opti­mized clean­ing sched­ul­ing proposal 
  • A Gantt chart for easy visu­al­iza­tion of orders
  • Col­lab­o­ra­tive planning 

Thanks to Pro­duc­tion Sched­uler:

  • Ana­lyze your inter­de­pen­den­cies, sequences and flows
  • Opti­mize your short pro­duc­tion schedules

Transform your supply chain with the Infor Supply Chain Planning software suite

Start to plan your sup­ply chain!

Infor Sup­ply Chain Plan­ning is avail­able in cloud or on-premise versions. 

Infor SCP SCM soft­ware enables every­one to work togeth­er to opti­mize your entire sup­ply chain network.

We won’t man­age your sup­ply chain, but we’ll help you get there!

A team of con­sul­tants and project man­agers put their expe­ri­ence and indus­try exper­tise at your ser­vice to ana­lyze your process­es and opti­mize them with the Infor Sup­ply Chain Man­age­ment soft­ware suite.

Autho­rized Part­ner

Infor Part­ner Network a lead­ing provider of solu­tions for SMI/SMEs, ALOER draws on the dual skills (tech­nol­o­gy and busi­ness) of its employ­ees to sup­port its cus­tomers’ growth.
